Sunday, October 11, 2009


Why do these huge companies send all of their jobs over seas? People here in the U.S. are losing their jobs everyday, and you want to send jobs to a different country?
I tried to call T-mobile today to see about getting a discount; the guy who they put me on the phone with didn't understand a word I said. I asked him over and over to transfer me to someone else and he wouldn't!!! Grrrr!!! Needless to say I said some VERY mean things in a VERY loud voice and then I hung up on him! I just don't get it.

Anyways, off that subject. I've been so stressed lately. I have so much that I have to pay, but can't because I don't have a freakin job. Kris says he's gunna pay it, but he can't afford it. I've tried looking for a job, but nobody is hiring. I just don't know what to do anymore. All I ever do is stress out about money. Kris yells at me and tells me not too, because he is going to take care of everything. But then I have to hear him vent about being stressed out.
Kris is supposed to be leaving next month to go truck driving. Every time I think about it I just want to start crying. I hate being without him, especially at night, I hate going to sleep alone. It's going to be so hard only seeing him a couple days outta the month. I'm so used to being with him all the time. At least I'll have GSXR with me, so I wont be completely alone. I don't know how to deal with it. I don't know if I'm strong enough. When he calls home, how am I supposed to make him think that everything is fine, so that he doesn't have to worry about what is going on at home? How do I find enough strength to be strong for him and myself?

I'm gunna go lay down. I've had a long day. Talk to you soon