I moved back in with Kris, after my mom went through my stuff and started throwing it all away. That was after about a week of me getting my car back. I quit my job. Driving 45 minutes everyday one way to a job that only wants to pay me minimum wage, and doesn't want to give me my credit card tips; I just couldn't do it anymore.
It feels so good to be back here. To sleep with Kris and GSXR every night. We have a new addition!!! Hemi!! My Robo dwarf hampster! We went to Ohio 2 weeks ago!! I loved it! I wish we could go there more. It is so pretty there!

Well, today we went to a Green Expo in Town Center! It was pretty cool. We've been talking about building our own Earthship. They're pretty cool looking. But we'd have to move out to like New Mexico or something. They make their own power (everything is solar powered). It's so cool. I think I would be able to survive it! I'm not too sure about the heat though. I think I'd melt.
We've also been hooked on the newer show "The Colony". They put a group of people in a warehouse that has no electricity, or water, or food. and they make them try to survive. It's really cool.
Well, I'm gunna go finish watching a movie.