Friday, July 24, 2009

Rude Customers

As I said in another post, I work in a family owned pizzaria down the street from my parents house. I'm the cashier. Now this pizzria is a very busy, well-known, well-liked resturant. We have regulars, that come in every day, and every week. The waitresses that work there have been there for years, some have been there since the resturant opend. The customers know the waitresses by name, and what days they work. They don't even need menus and they don't have to tell the waitress what they want to drink or eat. I love it!

Now, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays are very very busy days. Thursdays are busy because of the free car show that takes place next to the resturant every week. Fridays and Saturdays just because thats when everyone goes ou to eat.

So, last night was very busy. And it was my first time working a Thursday night. There was a waiting list with the wait time of up to 45 minutes. Now mind you, this place is small, 13 tables. So of course, there are people standing everywhere. If you were on the waiting list, you had a pager, and we would pager them when their table was ready. CLueless to us, one of the pagers would keep going off without us paging it. So when the lady and her friend came to the counter, trying to give me the pager saying it went off, I was a little shocked. I informed her that it most be a faulty one, and tried to give her another one. She looked at me like I was speaking another lanuage. so again I tried to hand her the new pager. She took it and asked how much longer the wait would be. I told her probably another 20 minutes, as for there were people on the list before her, and some who had called ahead with reservations. she finally, took it, walking away and giving me a nasty look.

Her and her friend finally got sat, and when their waitress brought them their check they handed her a coupon. Now as the cashier I have to enter the coupon on my computer and print out a new recipet for the customer. I did so. when the waitress and the customer came up to the counter, the waitress looked confussed and the customer looked pissed yet again. I asked what the problem was and if I could be of any assistants, seeming how I have more power than a waitress. The customer asked to see her coupon. I gladly went through about 20 coupon before I finally found hers. she then asked why she wasn't given half off as the coupon said it would. I looked at it and apologize. I had rang her up under the wrong coupon. When I gave her the new total, she still didn't understand why it wasn't coming to half off. In small print of the coupon, it said up to a value of $7.95. She didn't understand, so I explained it again to her. She finally through her and her friends credit cards on the counter and demanded it split the check down the middle . So I did, with a smile on my face, and apologizing about the coupon misuderstanding. She finally walked back to her table, and when the waitress followed to see if they needed a box, I could see they were bombing the waitress with questions about the coupon. I never got a chance to ask what they had been asking. But by the look on the waitress' face when she was walking away from the table, I could tell that the two laddies had not been very nice.

I just don't understand why people have to be so rude. If you can see that there are 20 people standing around waiting for a table, don't be rude when you have to wait. When you can see the that the cashier, not only runs credit cards, puts in coupons, and fixes tabs for the waitress, but answers a multi-line phone, placing phone orders, placing window orders, handing food out to pick-up customers, makes salads for the whole resturant, and is the owners right-hand girl, why give me an attitude? You can clearly see, I have one of the hardest jobs in the whole building (which is the clear reason why we only have two counter girls).

So, after impressing my boss last night, for handling the rushes and the calmness I kept through the whole night, I might be the sole counter girl. The other counter girl, who is also a waitress for the resturant, gets very frustranted very very easily.

But anywho, if you decide to go to a busy resturant to eat, please give the girls a break. You don't see what goes on behind the scenes. You don't see it, because it's our job that you dont know about it. It's your job to not let you see any form of chaus. So please, please, please be nice. Take care of your servers becasue they take care of you. Thank you.