Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Big Day

So, I'm finally getting my car back. I'll been without it for 10 months!! I fly out of Orlando on the 31st at 7:05 am, and arrive in Austin, TX at 10:30 am. I'm gunna sleep all day, then Saturday morning wake up early. Then hit the road and head back home to FL!!!

I'm just a little stressed about it. I have to make $500 dollars for insurance before I get the car, and I have to get about $150 in gas. I've made the trip from Texas to Florida before, but I had someone with me, and i had a GPS. But this time, I'm going to be alone. And I just sold my GPS, two days before I found out that i was getting the car back.

When I get my car, I'll finally be able to get a second job! Hopefully, I can find one waitressing somewhere during the day, then go work the at the pizzaria at night.

I'm trying to get my own place. But Kris dropped a bomb on me the other day. He said after I get my second job, he wants me to move back in with him. I'm not sure what I'm gunna do. A very very big part of me, wants to get my own place, and be able to take care of myself. But another part of me wants, to live with him again. I miss seeing him everyday, and sleeping with him at night. I miss my puppy! But I don't want to put myself in the position of me and him getting in a big fight, and him kicking me out again, and me having no where to go all over again!

I don't know what I'm going to do. First thing is first, I'm gunna get my car, and get a second job. Then I'll start thinking about what i'm going to do about living with him or not.